When the fatigue hit: Early signs before diagnosis
The period before being referred to the first specialist for further investigation.
The period before being referred to the first specialist for further investigation.
Investigate, via upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, any cause for low iron.
More blood tests including full blood examination and iron studies.
Consultation with Dr Lee to discuss next steps.
My first CT enterography experience.
The results came back not the best.
Discomfort of being in an MRI machine for an hour, but accuracy and suitability of the test required me to complete it.
My world changed with the phone call.
Speedy appointment with the next specialist.
Having everything explained to me about what the lesion potentially was.
I had some blood test results come back that Dr Hwang had ordered. These included: Cumulative Serum Chromogranin A (CGA), Cumulative Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Cumulative Coagulation Studies and Liver Function Tests.
We had a telephone chat with Dr Antonio Lee. He was following up post the PET DOTATATE scan.
Following the conversation with Dr Lee, we looked at NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia website for more information.
Today was the big day to understand more about the tumour. Dr Hwang was going to be doing an endoscopic ultrasound and biopsy. This would confirm the type of tumour I had.
Today I received notice from Dr Cavallucci's receptionist that I was booked in to see him upon his return from overseas.
Today was one of those days that will stay with me forever. I had to tell my colleagues about my pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
Life has a way of throwing us curveballs when we least expect it. My journey with pancreatic cancer began with one such curveball - an unexpected diagnosis that changed everything in an instant. But as I faced the reality of the challenges ahead, I found strength in an unexpected place: my passion for creating funny and meaningful t-shirts.
We took Daisy and Annie for a walk, as we sometimes do. She gets so excited going for a walk she barks and barks as we leave the house. She sprints next door, always trying to find Lucy the Beagle that used to be next door.
I look fine, I feel fine. That's how I would describe things at the moment. But there is something inside of me that doesn't belong there.
Today I had a phone consultation with my specialist, A/Prof David Cavallucci, and I wanted to share an update on my pancreatic cancer journey. During our discussion, we reviewed my current situation and the options available moving forward.