Wrapping up: My last day before Whipple’s surgery

Tomorrow is the big day - the day I undergo Whipple's surgery. Everything I’ve been doing over the past few months has been building up to this moment. It feels both surreal and real at the same time.

I gave Ros a list of people at work who could be contacted or contact me while I'm in hospital. This was just to limit the information going back and forth and making sure that people knew who to contact.

Exercise and getting fitter

One of the biggest factors in my future recovery will be how fit I am, and I’ve worked hard to prepare my body for this challenge. The exercise bike I bought was key - not just for my physical fitness, but for my mental focus as well. The bike’s screen took me on virtual routes around the world, starting with rides in Florence and Tuscany and ending with longer rides in Japan. It was a transformation I’m proud of. Dr Cavallucci and Dr Brunello both emphasised how crucial it was to be as fit as possible for the surgery.

Ros played a huge role in helping me stay motivated, especially by enlisting my sister Melanie to compete against me on the Apple Watch. Ros knew how competitive Mel and I are - on days when I didn’t feel like it, I’d see that Mel had closed her rings or gone for a walk, and it pushed me to keep going. I may have won a few times, but she definitely got more wins than me!

[Ros] Competitive is an understatement, one night he stayed up till midnight just to beat his sister. Whatever works to get someone motivated, he rode that bike daily for hours. Which made him as fit as for the surgery, which is expected to be about 8-9 hours to be under anesthetic.


Food has always held special memories for me, and in the lead-up to surgery, I made sure to enjoy some of my favourites. These weren’t just meals - they were connections to loved ones and the comfort of home. From my Ouma’s chicken dish to Ros’s signature rack of lamb with pink peppercorn sauce, I savoured each bite, knowing it might be a while before I can fully enjoy these flavours again. I didn’t overindulge, but I made sure to relish every bite.

[Ros] We did up a Menu of all Jim's favorite foods - It was for two weeks prior - as he has a lot of favorite foods. it was like the last supper but over two weeks. The last night we took it easy with a light dinner.

Hospital prep

The hospital prep is nearly complete. All the pre-admission paperwork is done, with only a bit more to handle when I arrive tomorrow. Ros and I even had a little adventure searching for the perfect pajamas, and we’re all set with a few new pairs. It’s the small things like this that make the looming reality of surgery feel a little less daunting.

Now, with everything in place, I’m ready to face what’s next. It’s been a long journey to get here, and while I’m nervous, I feel strong and prepared for the road ahead.

[Ros] We got everything ready for the hospital, I had bought Jim so loose PJ's, slippers, and his family bought him a nice dressing gown. I was a mess inside, trying to stop my brain thinking about the what if's. Dr Google is not your friend, its full of worst case scenarios, I was beside myself worried, worried about the length of time he would be in surgery, worried about the risks that were advised, worried about the epidural, worry worry worry. Trying to stay as positive as I can, and at the same grateful that Jim was in good hands with the surgeon he had was well regarded in the field of whipples surgery. 

Jim had to have a shower with special washing stuff, before he went to sleep. I did not sleep well that night, he was crashed out snoring his head off, like normal haha.